Burn PPT to DVD - Convert PPT to Video
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Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro Version History
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 4.5
(Jan. 16, 2013)
- Improved the support for PowerPoint 2013;
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 4.4
(Dec. 11, 2012)
- Added support for PowerPoint 2013;
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 4.2
(Jun. 2, 2011)
- Enhanced converting stability.
- Improved audio/video synchronization.
- Added a new function of using video as DVD/Blu-ray menu background.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 4.1
(Dec. 20, 2010)
- Support creating and burning Blu-ray Disc from PowerPoint files.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 4.0
(Nov 30th, 2010)
- First brought in Video Profile Lookup Function.
- Enhanced compatibility with Windows Vista and PowerPoint 2010.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.9
(Sept 17th, 2010)
- Category structure and settings of Profile are optimized.
- Quality level of output HD video is improved.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.8
(June 12, 2010)
- Improved the Compatibility with PowerPoint 2010.
- Added support for customizable Video Profile.
- Fixed some bugs thoroughly.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.7
(Apr 23, 2010)
- Improved in burning DVD and producing ISO files.
- Enhanced DVD Menu Templates.
- New Custom feature for Video Profile.
- Fixed a few bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.6
(Feb 8, 2010)
- Improved the file structure of DVD output ISO with new support for UDF format
- Upgraded DVD menu system with 6 neat categories
- Added "History" function to review last edition for playback modes, menu templates, etc.
- Fixed a few bugs
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.5
(Dec 4, 2009)
- Improved DVD menu authoring system compatible to more types of DVD players
- Renewed Video Codec program with faster coding capability that patches the "memory leak" in previous version
- Support PowerPoint 2010 Beta
- Squashed several bugs
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.4
(Oct 23, 2009)
- Built with new output file formats like RMVB, MKV
- Better support on hyperlinked image objects in PowerPoint
- Fixed some bugs
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.3
(May 14, 2009)
- Intensified the Profile with a new recent tab for better video output
- Improved video encoder
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.2
(Jan 19, 2009)
- Added new function of adding logo on output video or DVD..
- Enhanced DVD menu creator.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.1
(Nov 14, 2008)
- Brand new interface with elegancy and practicality.
- Enhanced video encoder with excellent output quality.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 3.0
(August 28, 2008)
- Updated DVD Menu design system. Meanwhile of providing many beautiful existing Menu templates for choosing, it's also provide a much more convenient way to design beautiful DVD Menu.
- Fixed the problem of characters or letters distortion in DVD video or MPEG-2 video.
- Updated video codecs.
- Added functions of one slide one chapter. Thus together with the function of one animation one chapter, this program allows choosing different manual mode for different target file.
- Optimized the program interface so that it much more reasonable and user-friendly.
- Fixed some bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro 2.9
(June 18, 2008)
- Integrated Intel IPP groupware (Intel Integrated Performance Primitives), which greatly improved the coding efficiency under multiple-core CPU environment.
- Optimized the conversion process, and added the conversion duration display for every task
- Improved Codec Profile
- Fixed some bugs
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner ProV.2.8
(April 16th, 2008)
- Fixed the inability to capture the initial special effect of the first slide;
- Fixed the requirement of adjusting display resolution under special situation;
- Improved disposal scheme for batch audio file mixture;
- Add mute option in the conversion process;
- Add to support HD-TV 720p & 1080p;
- Fixed some other bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner ProV.2.7
( January 23, 2008)
- Supported convert PowerPoint to multiple video formats.
- Added the functions of processing the Hidden Slides and supporting Custom Show from original PowerPoint
- Fixed some bugs, improved the stability and performance
(December 30, 2007)
- Improve DVD video code to achieve more stable bit rate, thus avoid the output cannot be played on DVD Player normally.
- Add function of gradually changing DVD background color.
- Support to insert multiple pieces of background music in Auto Mode.
- Add none DVD menu output function which enables users can record no-menu DVD.
- Fixed some bugs.
(November 30, 2007)
- Solved the problem that pictures or text may lose during the process
- Support 16:9 ratio DVD menu
- Added the option for not to generate DVD menu
- Improved display effect of DVD menu text
- Fixed some bugs
(November 8, 2007)
- Added option "TV safe area", and resolved the problem that video pictures on TV screen may bigger than TV display range.
- Improved the DVD video codec, solved the problem that converted DVD video may sometimes can't playback normally in DVD player.
- Fixed some other bugs.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner ProV.2.3
(October 22, 2007)
- Solved the problem that conversion never stop if user selected the setting "loop play".
- Solved the problem that 3D acceleration PPT used may cause conversion failure.
- Support custom shows. Solved the problem that it may cause conversion failure because of custom shows settings in original PPT.
- Add display styles when capturing focus of DVD menu items.
- Solved the problem that the program may lock DVD Burner during process and never release it.
- Solved the problem that burned DVD disc which contain DVD file less than 1 GB can't be recognized by DVD player.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner Pro V.2.2
(September 28, 2007)
- Changed output video format MPEG2 to standard MPEG2, solved the problem that image stops when playing back converted MPG video file.
- Enabled users the ability to modify permission in registry, in order to avoid the error "Could not show presentation in Internet Explorer_Server"
- Solved the problem that the focus of menu buttons in non-standard resolution DVD display incorrectly.
- Optimized the interface of customizing DVD menu
- Fixed some other bugs
(September 10, 2007)
- Enhanced the capacity to display detailed information of the imported PPT file, including:
- total number of slides
- slides with a transition time of over 3 minutes
- Media object and some other OLE object like Windows Media Player, QuickTime Control, Shockwave Flash that is not available in target PPT file.
- Enhanced the display function of menu buttons.
- Fixed the bug that functions could be disordered among each other when the positions of menu buttons are altered.
- Fixed the bug that video playback would be suspended when capturing embedded video with hovering mouse cursor.
- Enhanced the information display effects of when the conversion is terminated.
- Fixed some other bugs.
(August 24, 2007)
- Improved the performance stability.
- Added the language setting for DVD audio control.
- Added the setting for video quality control.
- Added the setting for audio encoding options.
- Added the function to allow users to set NTSC or PAL TV standard by selecting the country or region.
- Enabled to convert & burn video files supported by Windows Media Player in the source PPT slideshows.
- Enabled to convert & burn video files supported by QuickTime Control in the source PPT slideshows.
- Enabled to convert & burn Flash video files supported by Shockwave Flash in the source PPT slideshows.
- Fixed some other bugs.
(July 12, 2007) Moyea Software releases the conversion software of PPT to DVD Burner to meet the demands of school instructors, business people, students, etc. to distribute their presentations to a larger audience.

PPT to DVD Burner Pro
Burn PowerPoint files to DVD or Blu-ray Disc, and convert PPT files to video of any format.
Learn More Free Trial

For Business/Professor/Individual
- PPT to DVD Burner Pro
- PPT to Video Converter
- PPT to DVD Burner Lite
- PPT4Web Converter
- DVD SlideShow Builder Deluxe
- PPT to DVD Education
- PPT to Video Education
For Education

I dare say Moyea PPT to DVD is a magic. Cost me less, wins me more! I made a delicate DVD slideshow for Mother's Day, natural as if from a digital camera, and it made my Mom deeply moved.
--- David