Burn PPT to DVD - Convert PPT to Video
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Screenshots of Moyea PPT to Video Converter
Screenshots of Converting PowerPoint Presentation to Video Files
Intuitive and smooth import interface
Easily access to all local PowerPoint including PPT, PPS, PPTX, POT, PPA, etc. file
The interface for adding PowerPoint file
No quantity limit of PowerPoint files are added for conversion.
Multiple video formats are available for choosing: AVI, WMV, FLV, VOB, MOV, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, DV.
Audio & Video Settings
Audio settings include audio codec, bit rate, sample rate and channels.
Video settings include video codec, bit rate, video size, frame rate, aspect ratio.
Specify a value as the default transition time between slides.
No quantity limit on adding background music for output video file.
Check to ignore the audio file in the original PowerPoint Presentation.
Check to keep the aspect ration of the slides or not.
Check to mute while conversion.
Fast conversion allows you having time target.

PPT to DVD Burner Pro
Burn PowerPoint files to DVD or Blu-ray Disc, and convert PPT files to video of any format.
Learn More Free Trial

For Business/Professor/Individual
- PPT to DVD Burner Pro
- PPT to Video Converter
- PPT to DVD Burner Lite
- PPT4Web Converter
- DVD SlideShow Builder Deluxe
- PPT to DVD Education
- PPT to Video Education
For Education

Moyea PPT to Video converts our PowerPoint ads to YouTube video, and converts the gloomy business to a promising future. Now more traffic is coming from YouTube to our company website, done at a total cost of no more than $50!
--- Paul