Graver PPT to DVD - Convertir PPT à la vidéo
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Comment Upload Google Docs Presentation to YouTube
Convert Google Docs presentation to mp4 video for uploading to YouTubeAfter you have made a wonderful Google Docs presentation, you may want to upload to YouTube to share with others. The Google Docs embedded “Share” function enables you to share Google Docs documents with public.

To share your Google Docs on YouTube because of the large audience, it’s more likely your Google Docs will be viewed by others. The problem is that YouTube accepts video files from most digital cameras, camcorders and Smartphones, etc. in the WMV, AVI, FLV, MP4, MOV and WebM formats. But in Google Docs, presentation can only be downloaded as image (PNG, JPEG), PowerPoint (PPTX), PDF and text. In order to upload Google Docs presentations to YouTube, we need the help of PowerPoint to Video Converter.
Comment upload Google Docs presentation to YouTube with transitions, animations and video clips
Part 1: Download Google Docs presentation as PowerPoint file
Cliquez sur " Dossier "→" Download as "Et choisissez" PPTX ” as output format to save Google Docs as PowerPoint file on your computer.

Part 2: Convert PowerPoint to video for YouTube
Moyea PPT to Video Converter vous permet de convertir PowerPoint en formats vidéo populaires tels que WMV, AVI, MP4, FLV, MOV, MKV, VOB, etc, avec tous les effets PowerPoint d'origine conservés intacts.
Étape 1: Importer des fichiers PowerPoint.
Télécharger gratuitement et installer le PPT au convertisseur de vidéo sur votre ordinateur. Exécutez le programme et cliquez sur " Ajouter "Pour charger des fichiers PowerPoint. Vous pouvez prévisualiser la présentation PowerPoint dans la section Aperçu sur la droite.
Step 2: Select a video profile for YouTube.
Cliquez sur le menu déroulant de " Profil ” and choose one video format that YouTube supports, like “ Vidéo commune "→" MP4-MPEG-4 Vidéo (*. Mp4) ".

Step 3: Adjust video and audio parameters.
The recommended video parameters for YouTube should be:
• Video Format: MP4 AVC
• Resolution: 640 x 480 (1280 x 720 for High Definition)
• Video Frame Rate: 29.97fps
• Sample Rate: 44100
If you want, you can also click “ Réglages ” icon to adjust the video and audio parameters like audio codec, bit rate, frame rate, sample rate and audio channel, etc. Then click “ Bien "Pour appliquer les paramètres ou cliquez sur" Enregistrer sous ” to save your settings as a new profile for future usage.

Étape 4: Convertir PowerPoint sur YouTube .
Lorsque tous les réglages sont effectués, cliquez sur " Commencer "Pour lancer la conversion.
The conversion may take for a while depending on your computer status and the size of imported PowerPoint files. Then you can sign in your YouTube account and upload the converted Google Docs presentation to YouTube.
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PPT to Video Converter
Autre présentation PowerPoint en vidéo dans tous les formats populaires comme AVI, MOV, FLV, WMV, MP4 ...
En savoir plus Essai gratuit

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