Graver PPT to DVD - Convertir PPT à la vidéo
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Comment Visualiser des présentations PowerPoint sur Google Nexus 7
Convert PowerPoint presentation to MP4 video for viewing on Google Nexus 7For a long time when people ask for the best tablet for their work and entertainment, I will recommend Asus Transformer Prime or Samsung Galaxy Tab, because of their high performance hardware. Amazon’s Kindle Fire is a black horse last year for its really low price and acceptable hardware. Isn’t it perfect that a tablet can be both powerful and cheap at the same time? That’s what we can expect from Google Nexus 7 tablet.
To compete with Kindle Fire, its price is set between $199 and $249. The most impressive is that Google Nexus 7 is equipped with Quad-core 1.3 GHz Tegra 3 processor. Amazon is said to release Kindle Fire 2, but with a dual-core processor. Other features of Nexus 7 include 7-inch display with 1280x800 resolution and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

This article is written for those who want to view PowerPoint on tablets for its great portability. For Android tablets, you can install Android apps Bureau like Google Docs, Quick Office and ThinkFree Office. But to keep the original animations, transitions, music and video clips, the best method to view PowerPoint on Google Nexus 7 is to convertir PowerPoint en vidéo for now.
Comment play PowerPoint on Google Nexus 7 with transitions, animations, music and video clips
The advantage of converting PowerPoint to Google Nexus 7 video is that all the animations, transitions, music, narrations and video clips can be preserved in the output video for viewing on Google Nexus 7.
Étape 1: Charger les fichiers PowerPoint.
Télécharger gratuitement et installer Moyea PPT to Video Converter sur votre ordinateur. Exécutez le programme et cliquez sur Ajouter d'importer des fichiers de document PowerPoint.
Étape 2: Sélectionnez un format vidéo.
Cliquez sur Profil and choose a suitable output format for Google Nexus 7. There are lots of customized video profiles built-in such as common video, common audio, HD video and for various devices like Samsung Galaxy Tab, Motorola Xoom, Nook Tablet, Android smartphones, etc. For Nexus 7, you can choose Tablet PC → Asus Eee Pad comme profil de sortie.

Étape 3: Modifier les paramètres vidéo.
Cliquez sur Réglages and you can change the codec, bit rate, frame rate, video size, aspect ratio and audio channel yourself. For Google Nexus 7, you may need to change the video size to 1280x800.
Conseils: Après avoir réglé les paramètres vidéo, vous pouvez cliquer sur Enregistrer en tant que button where you could rename the optimized profile as Google Nexus 7 Tablet so that you can easily choose it from the Défini par l'utilisateur temps catégorie suivante.
Step 4: Convert PowerPoint to Google Nexus 7 video.
Cliquez sur Commencer Bouton à convertir PowerPoint en vidéo for Google Nexus 7. During the conversion process, you can check the Avant-première option pour regarder la vidéo de sortie en temps réel.

1. To run the program properly, you should have Microsoft Office (PowerPoint 2000/2003/2007/2010/2013 and so on) or PowerPoint Viewer installed.
2. Vous pouvez télécharger un nombre illimité de fichiers PowerPoint et convertir des vidéos en même temps.
3. The default aspect ratio of PowerPoint is 4:3, which doesn’t match the video size of 1280x800, so there will be black margin on the output video. The solution is to click Personnaliser → Glissement → and uncheck Keep original aspect ratio of slides. You can set this as a default setting by clicking Comme par défaut.

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Pour l'éducation

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